Shinji Kohata and Roberto Danubio, from 19 to 21 November 2021. An unmissable karate seminar and 1st to 5th JKF Dan Grading!
Kohata + Danubio = 19 - 21 November 2021
Three days of seminar, 12 total hours of training, corresponding to four weeks of a normal karate course. A sort of “autumn camp” led by two of the most popular Japanese and European Wadoryu masters.
Dear Karateka,
Despite the difficult situation we are experiencing and the persistence of the pandemic emergency all around the world, we are happy to announce to you the most important karate event that will take place in Italy in 2021. Two of the most appreciated Japanese and European Wadoryu masters will be in Rome to lead an awesome karate seminar dedicated to all the practitioners and teachers of this wonderful style.
Wadokai Masters in Rome is a seminar that, being part of the training and educational offer of the WKSI (Italian branch of JKF Wado-Kai), aims to foster the international perspective promoted and advocated by the Budo Charter. We truly think that an international perspective is necessary to reach for constant technical and spiritual improvement, both individual and collective. Therefore the Wadokai Masters in Rome is a very special event, because, in addition to the significantly high technical level, this seminar – far from being a one-off event – is a part of a process of confrontation, collaboration, and technical development open to anyone who wishes to participate, aiming to foster the growth of the Wadoryu family in Italy, in Europe and in the whole world.
The seminar will be held by Shinji Kohata (7th dan JKF Wadokai), and Roberto Danubio sensei (7th dan JKF Wadokai). Being very renowned and internationally appreciated teachers, they will collaborate to offer to all participants a concrete opportunity for technical and martial enrichment open to all Wado-ryu practitioners, regardless of their association or federation. Three days of intense training, profound teachings, and great karate enjoyment.
I hope that You’re going to be part of it. However, we’ll be waiting for You. In the sign of Wado.
Best Regards,

The Wadokai Masters in Rome seminar is open to all karate practitioners aged 12 and over holding the minimum rank of yellow belt. The participation fee is 70 euros.
The Wadokai Masters in Rome international seminar is limited. Therefore it is mandatory to make an early registration by filling the online Application Form below on this page. Within a few days, we will reply to you at the email address indicated confirming your registration. Further confirmation by Seminar Payment will be necessary to secure your participation.
Fill the following form to pre-register. Then you will receive an email with all the payment info to confirm your participation.
In order to be admitted to the JKF Wado-Kai graduation exams, it is mandatory to make an explicit request by downloading the Application Form by clicking here or in the Download Area of this page. Please, fill it in, sign it and send it back to us, following the instructions contained in the form itself.
For the accommodation we suggest the Hotel Antica Locanda Palmieri – Hotel Orto di Roma, which is located a few hundred meters from the sports facility where the seminar takes place. For the booking, please, contact the hotel directly, specifying that you are a Karate Seminar participant. You can take a look at the specific Hotel offer in the Download area.
Hotel Antica Locanda Palmieri – Hotel Orto di Roma
Via di Grotta Perfetta, 551-555/a – 00142 Rome – Italy
Phone: +39.06.51530428 – Phone: +39.06.5042224 – Fax: +39.06.51985536
E-mail: info@borgopalmieri.com
Website: www.borgopalmieri.com
Download Area
Time and place of training
1st Training session: 18.30 – 20.30
2nd Training session: 10.00 – 12.30
3rd Training session: 14.00 – 16.30
JKF Exams session: from 17.00 onwards
4th Training session: 10.00 – 12.30
5th Training session: 14.00 – 16.30
Impianto Sportivo
Accademia Nazionale Bruno Grandi
via Giacomo Brogi, 80/82
00142 Rome, Italy