
BBO – Black Belts Only International Seminar in Rome

The BBO – Black Belts Only International Seminar, organized by WKSI and led by the 7th DAN JKF Wado-kai Roberto Danubio Sensei, Chair and Chief Instructor of SWKR – Swiss Wadokai Karatedo Renmei – the Swiss Wadoryu federation directly linked to the Japan Karatedo Federation of Wado-kai – took place in Rome from 2 to 4 March 2018.

Addressed only to black belts and involving maximum twenty participants, this workshop was expressly designed to work on technical details. Has it never happened to anyone to feel unpleasantly frustrated by not being able to improve further after years of practice? It is a rather common experience, which often, however, if well managed, could be the prelude of a new phase capable of leading to more significant progress. The idea at the basis of the BBO – Black Belts Only International Seminar is to encourage the start of that new phase.

The seminar, which consisted of four 150-minute training sessions over three days, was attended by wadokas from Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Hungary and, of course, Italy. Danubio Sensei planned the sessions, so that each of them provided for intense training on Ido Kihon and Pinan katas. Following, participants could practice the ten Wado-ryu Kihon Kumite and the two katas that are most representative of the style: Seishan and Chinto.

The choice to limit the number of participants to twenty for this specific seminar dedicated to black belts, has proved to be very effective from an educational point of view. It was recognized and appreciated by everyone. We rarely have the opportunity to study and train in a selected and familiar context – where you can be closely followed by and interact with the instructor – even more if it is an international context of a very high technical level.

The BBO International Seminar is part of the new WKSI training offer, whose aim, as a branch of Japan Wado-kai, is to study, preserve and promote traditional Wado-ryu karate in Italy. Besides the International Seminars, the Summer Camp and the study trips to Europe and Japan WKSI organizes every month, the so-called Wadokai Workshops, are an opportunity for training on the whole technical curriculum of the Japan Karatedo Federation Wado-kai under the guidance of the Chief Instructor and of the WKSI coaches.


Riccardo RitaBBO – Black Belts Only International Seminar in Rome

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